
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week 8 - Postmodernism and Consumer Culture

This is just kind of like a little rant about consumer culture.

I really don't understand why everyone NEEDS to have the latest Apple product. First it was the iPod (in which I can understand why, it was a revolutionary product). Then building off of their success with the original iPod, they made adjustments and released a newer iPod. Then Apple came out with the iPhone and its numerous models as well. The most recent Apple product, the iPad, just got a new version release called the iPad 2. And everyone always wants to newest Apple product. And I don't know why. I think that everyone believes that they need to have the "latest and greatest" to make themselves look hip and in style. I know this is not just with Apple, but consumer culture burns this idea into our heads and we are all suckers for buying into it. I believe myself to be a part of this technological age without having bought an Apple product. People need to realize that you can still exist in this great era we live in without having to succumb to consumer culture's pressures.


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