
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Week 10 - The Cyborg Cometh: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Having never seen Blade Runner before, the movie was certainly interesting! Harrison Ford is one of my favourite actors and was really interesting in this type of role.

The film definitely plays into Jean Beaudrillard's idea of "hyper-reality", in which everything is more real than real itself. The film even depicts the same type of mantra, spoken by Tyrell: "more human than human", in regards to the replicants. The idea of machines that adopt human characteristics and even eventually adopt emotions is a scary concept. Man's obsession to create an equal to himself never ends well.

I was reading up on the movie and noticed this little bit of trivia: "After the film had changed its name from 'Dangerous Days' to 'Blade Runner', Ridley Scott decided he didn't like the new name, and tried to call the film 'Gotham City', but Bob Kane (comic book creator of Batman) wouldn't see the rights to the name, so it returned to being called 'Blade Runner'." Being a gigantic Batman fan, I am so glad Bob Kane didn't sell the rights, haha.

One of the funny aspects of the movie I saw, was that all these events took place in 2o19. Guess we better get ready for flying cars and replicants! It's only 8 years away!

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